Web Services, Part XI: Consuming Multiple Web Services: Multiple-Service Consumer - Doc JavaScript | WebReference

Web Services, Part XI: Consuming Multiple Web Services: Multiple-Service Consumer - Doc JavaScript

Web Services, Part XI: Consuming Multiple Web Services

Multiple-Service Consumer

There are three HTML items you need to add to your page, for it to consume Web services:

We implemented both consumers with TABLEs. The add TABLE consists of four rows. You enter the first and second integers in the first and second rows, respectively, where we use INPUT fields. The third line is for putting a total ruler and a button to invoke the addition. The fourth line displays the result, by way of a DIV element: we update its innerHTML. Here is the add TABLE:

  <TR><TD>Enter First Number:</TD><TD><INPUT SIZE="4"
     TYPE="text" ID="first" STYLE="text-align:'right'">
  <TR><TD>Enter Second Number:</TD><TD><INPUT SIZE="4"
     TYPE="text" ID="second" STYLE="text-align:'right'">
  <TR><TD align="right"><INPUT VALUE="Add" TYPE="button"
  <TR><TD></TD><TD><DIV ID="theResult1"

Notice the ID of the various fields. The ID of the first number field is "first", the ID of the second number field is "second", and the ID of the result DIV is "theResult1". The Add button invokes the addNumbers() function when clicked.

The isprime TABLE has two rows. The first row includes an entry field for the number to be tested and a button to invoke the check. The second row includes a DIV element that displays the answer, via an innerHTML update. The ID of the input field is "testValue" and the ID of the result DIV is "theResult2". The button calls isPrimeNumber() when clicked. Here is the HTML code:

    <TD>Enter a number:</TD>
    <TD><INPUT SIZE="4" TYPE="text"
      ID="testValue" VALUE="0"></TD>
    <TD><INPUT VALUE="Click here to check if prime"
	 TYPE="button" onclick="isPrimeNumber();"></TD>
  <TR><TD COLSPAN=4><DIV ID="theResult2"></DIV></TD></TR>

Next: How to script a multiple-service consumer


Produced by Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran
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Created: March 25, 2002
Revised: March 25, 2002

URL: https://www.webreference.com/js/column106/2.html