Internet / History: | WebReference

Internet / History:

History of the Internet

WebReference Articles

Book Excerpt: The Intelligent Wireless Web
Authors Alesso and Smith discuss the application of artificial intelligence to the Web of today and tomorrow. From Addison Wesley.

Other Articles

All About the Internet: History of the Internet
A collection of articles from the Internet Society (ISOC), including technical and mainstream histories, timelines, and more.
As We May Think
Vannevar Bush's classic article, considered by many to be the conceptual seed for the current hypertext phenomenon called the Web. Originally published in the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, this is a Webbified version by Denys Duchier, University of Ottawa.
The History of the Internet
A timeline of the development of the Internet ('57 - '97) written by Dave Kristula. In 1979, the ARPANET backbone was a whopping 50Kbps!
History of Internet and WWW: The Roads and Crossroads of Internet History (*)
A comprehensive overview of the philosophy and history of the Internet. Many related links and a section on pertinent statistics. From Internet Valley.
Hobbes' Internet Timeline (*)
An up-to-date timeline of the Net from 1957 (Sputnik and ARPA) to the present, with links to milestones along the way. Includes graphs and statistics on growth. By Robert H'obbes' Zakon.
Internet Pioneers
Profiles ten individuals whose work has contributed significantly to the development of the Internet.
Nerds 2.01
A brief history of the Internet with timeline and "cast of characters" from the PBS series Life on the Internet.
A personal, almost informal history of the Internet and BITNET. The site contains an archive of old documents and newer editorials, as well as related links. Discover Internet history in a new and interesting way.
Netizens - On the History and Impact of the Net
An on-line "netbook" that presents the history and impact of various aspects of the Net on human communication. Covers the present, the effect the Net has on people's lives, the past, and the future of the Net. Michael Hauben's and Ronda Hauben. HTML. 1995.

Related Histories

A Brief History of Hackerdom
A history with a different angle, including the relationships between Hacker culture and the development of the Internet and Web.
A Tour of the Worm
The story of the Internet Worm of 1988 and how it effectively shut down the Internet.
History of USENET
FAQs and histories of USENET, including "The Great Renaming".
Pioneers of the Net
Bios of some of the individuals that helped create and shape the early Internet.
A History of MUDs (multi-user roleplaying games) on the Net. Includes links to research papers, transcripts and log files.
Terms Timeline
Keith Lynch has archived decades of USENET postings and email, and provides this timeline from June 1975 to February 1998 showing when terms, concepts, stories, and people were first mentioned. Also of note is his Spam Timeline.

Comments are welcome

Revised: August 17, 2000