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Untitled Document | 8

Daniel Giordan  
Daniel Giordan is an artist, author, and lecturer who works in both digital and conventional artistic media.

He recently co-authored Using Photoshop 5 (QUE, May 1998), and edited and contributed to Using Dreamweaver (QUE, April 1998).He is also the author of Kai's Magic Toolbox (Hayden Books 1996) The Whole Mac (Hayden Books 1996), and Dynamic Photoshop (MIS Press 1997) . In addition to the books, Dan works as a contributor to numerous magazines, including Dynamic Graphics, Digital Camera, Publish, and Petersens Photographic.

Look for Dan's latest book, Web Design Essentials, to be published by Adobe Press in January 1999.

His drawings and paintings have been shown extensively at museums and galleries throughout the US, most notably at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and the Stux gallery in New York City. He has also lectured in both University and corporate settings, including Yale University, the Art Institute of Boston, and Apple Computer in Cupertino, CA.

In the fall of 1998 Dan will launch FirstSite, a design studio specializing in web graphics and interactive design. He received his undergraduate degree and fifth year certificate from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and his Masters of Fine Arts degree from Bard College in Annandale, NY.