QEWS Price List | WebReference

QEWS Price List


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QEWS Price List - updated August 1, 1997

Quiotix offers a flexible licensing scheme for the Quiotix Embedded WebServer (QEWS.) To start developing embedded web applications, all you need is the QEWS software developer kit (SDK). When you are ready to ship your QEWS-based product, you can purchase runtime redistribution licenses as you need them, in packs of 100, 1000, or more. For a limited time, Quiotix is also offering a special paid-up license offer, which includes the developer kit and rights to redistribute an unlimited number of copies of the QEWS runtime with a single product.

All prices are quoted in US Dollars and are subject to change without notice.

Item Price
QEWS SDK (per developer) $2,000 $2,500
QEWS SDK 1 year subscription $3,000 $4,000
QEWS SDK 10-pack $7,500 $9,500
QEWS SDK 10-pack 1 year subscription $12,500 $15,000
QEWS Runtime license 100-pack $3,500 $3,500
QEWS Runtime license 1000-pack $12,000 $12,000
QEWS Runtime license, higher volumes call call
QEWS Priority Support Contract, per year $10,000 $15,000
QEWS Paid-up (single product) Promotional Special $20,000 $25,000
Professional Services: embedded web application design or analysis, custom QEWS enhancements, etc. call call

QEWS Developer Kit

The QEWS developer kit contains all you need to get started with developing embedded web applications. It contains the QEWS core server engine, the QEWS toolkit, technical documentation, QEWS host-based development tools, and sample applications. You must purchase one Developer Kit license for each developer that will be using QEWS.

QEWS Developer Kit Subscription

The QEWS developer kit subscription includes a license to the current version of the QEWS SDK, and rights to receive future updates and upgrades to the SDK during the subscription period. Purchasing a QEWS SDK subscription will ensure that you always have access to the latest QEWS software.

QEWS Runtime Licenses

Once you are ready to deliver your application to customers, you must purchase a QEWS runtime license for each unit you ship. For your convenience, you can purchase runtime licenses in packs of 100 units, 1000 units, or more. Customers receive a substantial discount for purchasing licenses in larger quantities.

QEWS Priority Support

While QEWS makes it easy to develop embedded web applications, sometimes it helps to get advice from the experts. The QEWS Priority Support plan gets you phone or e-mail based technical support on using QEWS, designing embedded web applications with QEWS, assistance adapting QEWS to new environments, free upgrades to new versions of the QEWS SDK, and access to our development staff for requesting product enhancements.

Paid-up Single Product License Package (Promotional)

For a limited time, Quiotix is offering a special paid-up license package. This package represents an extremely economical way to obtain everything you need to incorporate a full-featured web server into your product. For a single fixed fee, we are offering a license package which includes the developer kit, support during the porting period, and rights to distribute an unlimited number of copies of the QEWS runtime code with a single product. This package is ideal for customers who are planning to ship more than 2000 units.