Web Me Wireless: Web Clipping and PQAs | 6 | WebReference

Web Me Wireless: Web Clipping and PQAs | 6

If I had a Hammer...

An Introduction to Web Clipping and PQAs

Now that you've seen how simple it can be to provide Web Clipping services, you're probably wondering what sorts of development tools are available. The only required tools are:

Optional but helpful tools for testing include:

Additional resources:


Not to beat the point to death, but the main issue to keep in mind when developing for Web Clipping is size.

If you keep these restrictions in mind when designing your PQAs and Web Clippings, you'll have the wireless world flocking to your site.

Comments are welcome

Created: Aug. 26, 1999
Revised: Aug. 27, 1999

URL: https://webreference.com/dev/webclip/