Drag and Drop CGI | 10
Drag `n' Drop CGI
Enhance Your Web Site Without Programming
Bob Weil and Chris Baron
Chapter 1
Taking Your Internet or Intranet Web Site
to the Next Level
- Why You Need This Book
- The Three-Year Roller Coaster Ride
- How to Turn Circumstances to Your Advantage
- Why We Wrote This Book
- Our Target Audience
- Our Choice of Programs
- Gain Without Pain: How We've Organized This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Caveats
- Some Copyright Stuff
- So Let's Enhance, Already!
Chapter 2
The Nonprogrammer's Guide to the Web, CGI, and Programming Languages
- How the World Wide Web Works
- Protocol Shmotocol
- Client versus Server
- HTTP: Your Good and Faithful Servant
- A Really Short Introduction to Web Programming Languages
- Perl
- Java
- Javascript
- Holy Wars: A Word About Operating Systems
Chapter 3
The Nonprogrammer's Toolbox
- Getting Down to Business
- Your ISP or SA Is Your Friend--Really
- The ISP/SA Questionnaire
- Editing Script Code
- Getting the Files on the Server--FTP to the Rescue
- How FTP Works
- WS_FTP for Windows-based Computers
- Anarchie for MacOS-based Computers
- Tell Me About Telnet
- Telnet for Windows 95/NT
- Tera-Term for Windows 3.1
- NCSA Telnet for the MacOS
- Using What You've Learned--Your First CGI Script
- Configuration
- Detailed FTP Uploading Procedures
- Detailed Telnet Procedures
Chapter 4
Giving Your Visitor a Hint (or Two) Using -Javascript
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the hint Script
- Configuring and Installing the hint Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the hint Script in Your Pages
Chapter 5
Counting Visitors to Your Web Site with Perl
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Hits versus Visits
- Introduction to the vcount.cgi Script
- How vcount.cgi Works 83
- Configuring and Installing vcount.cgi 85
- Step 1: Configuration 85
- Step 2: Installation 89
- Using the vcount.cgi Script in Your Pages
Chapter 6
Fun with Scrolling Text Using Javascript
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the scroller Script
- How the scroller Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the scroller Script
- Step 2: Installation 105
- Using the scroller Script in Your Pages
Chapter 7
Automating Graphics Changes on Your Web Site with Perl
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the pid.cgi Script
- How pid.cig Works
- Configuring and Installing pid.cgi
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the pid.cgi Script in Your Pages
- Example 1: Roll Them Bones
- Example 2: A Timely Greeting
Chapter 8
Remote Controls for All Occasions Using Javascript
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the remote Script
- How the remote Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the remote Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the remote Script in Your Pages
Chapter 9
Processing and Responding to Interactive Forms Using Perl
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the formp.cgi Script
- Security Concerns
- How the formp.cgi Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the formp.cgi Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the formp.cgi Script in Your Pages
Chapter 10
Example Form-Processing Applications Using Perl
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- A Request-for-Information Form
- How the Form Works
- A Guest Book
- How the Form Works
- An On-line Test Form
- How the Form Works
Chapter 11
Client-side Form Validation with Javascript
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script 178
- Introduction to the formv Script 179
- How the formv Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the formv Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the formv Script in Your Pages
- Checking a Single Field
- Checking an Entire Form
- Putting It All Together
Chapter 12
A Perl-based Web Site Search Engine
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the ICE Scripts
- How the ICE Scripts Work
- Configuring and Installing the ICE Scripts
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the ICE Scripts in Your Pages
- Advanced ICE Configuration
Chapter 13
A Perl-based On-line Store System--Part 1: Installation
- What You Need to Install This Script
- Introduction to On-line Store Systems
- Overview of the PerlShop System
- Configuring and Installing PerlShop
- Step 1: Directory Configuration
- Step 2: Script Configuration
- Step 3: Installation
- Secure Server Setup
- Up Next
Chapter 14
A Perl-based On-line Store System--Part 2: Setting Up the Store
- Where We Are Now
- How PerlShop Processes Pages
- Server-Independence Tags
- Entering the Store
- Creating the Catalog Pages
- Single-item Selection Form
- Multi-item Selection Form
- Selection Form Tag Order
- Navigating the Store
- The Built-in Search Engine
- ``Driving'' the Shopping Cart
- Customizing the Script
- The PerlShop Logo
- Page Header
- Shopping-Cart Contents
- Order Form
- Confirmation Message
- Shipping Rates Page
- Button and Menu Bar
- Search Page
- Up Next
Chapter 15
A Perl-based On-line Store System--Part 3: -Processing Orders and Security
- Where We Are Now
- The Payment and Shipping Process
- Ordering Process Outputs
- The Customer File
- The Order File
- The Invoice
- Increasing Store Security
- Add index.html Files
- Relocate the Store Directories
- Using cgiwrap
- Encryption
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- Modifying PerlShop to Use PGP
Chapter 16
What's Next
- What (We Think) We've Given You
- Becoming a Script Hacker: Is It for You?
- Where to Now?
- Making Sure Your Web Site Makes Sense
- Targeting Your Audience
- A Solution: Focus Groups and Usability Testing
- Visit Our Drag `n' Drop Web Site
- Some Great Books to Look For
- Javascript Books
- Perl Books
- Perl CGI Books
- Books on Web Site Design
- Books on Internet Marketing
- A Short List of Web Resources
Appendix A
Some Notes on Perl for Nonprogrammers
- Do I Need to Read This If I Don't Want to Be a Perl Programmer?
- A Bit about Perl Programs
- Perl Data
- Numeric
- String
- Array
- Perl Code
- Variables
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Statements
- Subroutines and Libraries
- Regular Expressions
- Functions
- Special Variables
Appendix B
A UNIX Command Reference for Non-nerds
- Introduction to UNIX
- Common Shell Commands
- Path Name Conventions
- Command Format Conventions
- Directory and File Commands
- UNIX Permissions
- How to Find Things and Get Help
- Miscellaneous Commands
- Some Useful Programs
- Conclusion
Appendix C
What's on the CD-ROM
- The CD-ROM Directories
- The Root Directory
- The /questionnaire Directory
- The /scripts Directory
- The /tools Directory
- The /nettools Directory
- The /commercial Directory
- CD Warranty
to the Next Level
- Why You Need This Book
- The Three-Year Roller Coaster Ride
- How to Turn Circumstances to Your Advantage
- Why We Wrote This Book
- Our Target Audience
- Our Choice of Programs
- Gain Without Pain: How We've Organized This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Caveats
- Some Copyright Stuff
- So Let's Enhance, Already!
- The Three-Year Roller Coaster Ride
- How the World Wide Web Works
- Protocol Shmotocol
- Client versus Server
- HTTP: Your Good and Faithful Servant
- A Really Short Introduction to Web Programming Languages
- Perl
- Java
- Javascript
- Java
- Holy Wars: A Word About Operating Systems
- Getting Down to Business
- Your ISP or SA Is Your Friend--Really
- The ISP/SA Questionnaire
- Editing Script Code
- Getting the Files on the Server--FTP to the Rescue
- Your ISP or SA Is Your Friend--Really
- How FTP Works
- WS_FTP for Windows-based Computers
- Anarchie for MacOS-based Computers
- WS_FTP for Windows-based Computers
- Tell Me About Telnet
- Telnet for Windows 95/NT
- Tera-Term for Windows 3.1
- NCSA Telnet for the MacOS
- Tera-Term for Windows 3.1
- Using What You've Learned--Your First CGI Script
- Configuration
- Detailed FTP Uploading Procedures
- Detailed Telnet Procedures
- Detailed FTP Uploading Procedures
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the hint Script
- Configuring and Installing the hint Script
- Introduction to the hint Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the hint Script in Your Pages
Chapter 5
Counting Visitors to Your Web Site with Perl
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Hits versus Visits
- Introduction to the vcount.cgi Script
- How vcount.cgi Works 83
- Configuring and Installing vcount.cgi 85
- Step 1: Configuration 85
- Step 2: Installation 89
- Using the vcount.cgi Script in Your Pages
Chapter 6
Fun with Scrolling Text Using Javascript
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the scroller Script
- How the scroller Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the scroller Script
- Step 2: Installation 105
- Using the scroller Script in Your Pages
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the pid.cgi Script
- How pid.cig Works
- Configuring and Installing pid.cgi
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the pid.cgi Script in Your Pages
- Example 1: Roll Them Bones
- Example 2: A Timely Greeting
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the remote Script
- How the remote Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the remote Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the remote Script in Your Pages
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the formp.cgi Script
- Security Concerns
- How the formp.cgi Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the formp.cgi Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the formp.cgi Script in Your Pages
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- A Request-for-Information Form
- How the Form Works
- A Guest Book
- How the Form Works
- An On-line Test Form
- How the Form Works
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script 178
- Introduction to the formv Script 179
- How the formv Script Works
- Configuring and Installing the formv Script
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the formv Script in Your Pages
- Checking a Single Field
- Checking an Entire Form
- Putting It All Together
- Checking an Entire Form
- Why You Would Want to Use This Script
- Introduction to the ICE Scripts
- How the ICE Scripts Work
- Configuring and Installing the ICE Scripts
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Installation
- Using the ICE Scripts in Your Pages
- Advanced ICE Configuration
- What You Need to Install This Script
- Introduction to On-line Store Systems
- Overview of the PerlShop System
- Configuring and Installing PerlShop
- Step 1: Directory Configuration
- Step 2: Script Configuration
- Step 3: Installation
- Step 2: Script Configuration
- Secure Server Setup
- Up Next
- Where We Are Now
- How PerlShop Processes Pages
- Server-Independence Tags
- Entering the Store
- Creating the Catalog Pages
- How PerlShop Processes Pages
- Single-item Selection Form
- Multi-item Selection Form
- Selection Form Tag Order
- Multi-item Selection Form
- Navigating the Store
- The Built-in Search Engine
- ``Driving'' the Shopping Cart
- Customizing the Script
- The Built-in Search Engine
- The PerlShop Logo
- Page Header
- Shopping-Cart Contents
- Order Form
- Confirmation Message
- Shipping Rates Page
- Button and Menu Bar
- Search Page
- Page Header
- Up Next
- Where We Are Now
- The Payment and Shipping Process
- Ordering Process Outputs
- The Payment and Shipping Process
- The Customer File
- The Order File
- The Invoice
- The Order File
- Increasing Store Security
- Add index.html Files
- Relocate the Store Directories
- Using cgiwrap
- Relocate the Store Directories
- Encryption
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- Modifying PerlShop to Use PGP
- What (We Think) We've Given You
- Becoming a Script Hacker: Is It for You?
- Where to Now?
- Making Sure Your Web Site Makes Sense
- Targeting Your Audience
- A Solution: Focus Groups and Usability Testing
- Targeting Your Audience
- Visit Our Drag `n' Drop Web Site
- Some Great Books to Look For
- Javascript Books
- Perl Books
- Perl CGI Books
- Books on Web Site Design
- Books on Internet Marketing
- Perl Books
- A Short List of Web Resources
- Do I Need to Read This If I Don't Want to Be a Perl Programmer?
- A Bit about Perl Programs
- Perl Data
- A Bit about Perl Programs
- Numeric
- String
- Array
- String
- Perl Code
- Variables
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Statements
- Subroutines and Libraries
- Regular Expressions
- Functions
- Special Variables
- Operators
- Introduction to UNIX
- Common Shell Commands
- Path Name Conventions
- Command Format Conventions
- Directory and File Commands
- UNIX Permissions
- How to Find Things and Get Help
- Miscellaneous Commands
- Some Useful Programs
- Conclusion
- Common Shell Commands
- The CD-ROM Directories
- The Root Directory
- The /questionnaire Directory
- The /scripts Directory
- The /tools Directory
- The /nettools Directory
- The /commercial Directory
- CD Warranty
- The Root Directory
Comments are welcome
Copyright © 1997 Addison-Wesley Pub Co. and
Created: Oct. 24, 1997
Revised: Oct. 27, 1997
URL: https://webreference.com/dev/dndcgi/toc.html