The JavaScript Sourcebook | WebReference

The JavaScript Sourcebook

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The JavaScript Sourcebook

"Create Interactive JavaScript Programs for the World Wide Web." A reference/guide to the wonders of JavaScript (v 2.0). This book covers the fundamentals well and segues into more advanced Javascript, enough to keep even the advanced programmer happy. The extensive reference section includes the syntax and examples of each Netscape 2.0 JavaScript element while warning you of the v 2.0 bumps and potholes. The "How do I?" and "Plug 'n Play" sections highlight this fine book. Also includes a chapter on the new Netscape 3.0 features. By the time you've read this one, you'll be scripting with the best of them.
Gordon McComb. Wiley, 1996. $44.95. ISBN: 0-471-16185-3. Universal CD-ROM. 726 p.

Sample Chapters

Chapter 1: What JavaScript Is All About
Explains what JavaScript is and why you should use it. Introduces you to the language with examples, history, and a brief explanation of objects.
Chapter 2: Stuff You Should Know: Basic Programming Concepts
If your new to programming, or need a refresher course, don't miss this chapter. Key concepts and components of the language are explained in Gordon's lucid style.
Chapter 7: Expressions
This chapter describes using expressions in JavaScript, including expressions to create variables, expressions for use in conditional statements (like if), and expressions for use in math calculations.
Chapter 16: JavaScript and Forms
Learn how to effectively use JavaScript with forms. Take a load off your server by using JavaScript to validate your forms. Learn how to create and control the various parts of forms.

Comments are welcome

Created: October 16, 1996
Revised: October 31 1996