Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / Tools | WebReference

Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / Tools

Looking for more XML info? Be sure to check Exploring XML's links section!

Software and Tools

The Apache XML Project
Open source XML software from the folks that brought you Apache, the free, industrial-strength Web server that powers more than half of the world wide Web sites.
developerWorks : XML : Tools - Editing
XML Tools collection from IBM, featuring both free and commerical tools.
MSDN Online: XML Developer Center
Information on Microsoft XML tools and use of XML in Microsoft products.
Public SGML/XML Software (*)
Enormous and frequently updated list of publicly available software for XML. From Oasis, an non-profit organization promoting product-independant standards.
Are You Well Formed? This web-based syntax checker verifies your XML from a provided URL.
STG's XML Validation Form
Online validator, works from local file, form-entered text or URL.
Comprehensive collection of XML software, including browsers, tools and more. Frequently updated.
A professional Macintosh XML publishing system for efficient development and maintainance of Websites.

Comments are welcome

Revised: March 21, 2000

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/tools.html