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WebReference.com - Excertps from Inside XSLT, from New Riders Publishing

Inside XSLT

Inside XSLT Book Cover
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Author: Steven Holzner
ISBN: 0735711364
Price: $49.99 US
Pages: 640
Pub: New Riders

Inside XSLT is designed to be a companion guide to Inside XML. This example oriented book covers XML to HTML, XML to Music, XML with Java, style sheet creation and usage, nodes and attributes, sorting data, creating Xpath expressions, using Xpath and XSLT functions, namespaces, names templates, name variables, designing style sheets and using XSLT processor API's, the 56 XSL formatting objects, the XSLT DTD, and much much more.

Author Steven Holzner is a former PC Magazine contributing editor, a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D recipient of Cornell University. He has written a total of 55 books on computing and has had a show stopping success with his most recently published Inside XML with New Riders Publishing.

Introduction to XSLT

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) is all about handling and formatting the contents of Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents. XML has become a very hot topic, and now it's XSLT's turn. XML enables you to structure the data in documents, and XSLT enables you to work with the contents of XML documents - manipulating the content and creating other documents, such as when you sort an XML employee records database or store that data in an HTML document - and to format that data in a detailed way.

You can work with the contents of XML documents by writing your own programs that interface to XML parser applications, but that involves writing your own code. With XSLT, on the other hand, you can perform the same kinds of tasks, and there's no programming required. Rather than write your own Java, Visual Basic, or C++ code to handle the contents of XML documents, you just use XSLT stylesheets to specify what you want to do, and an XSLT processor does the rest. That's what XSLT is all about, and it's becoming the next big thing in the XML world.

Book Excerpts

Created: September 12, 2001
Revised: September 12, 2001
URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/insidexslt/