WebReference.com - Excerpts from XML for ASP.NET Developers, from Sams Publishing | WebReference

WebReference.com - Excerpts from XML for ASP.NET Developers, from Sams Publishing

XML for ASP.NET Developers

XML for ASP.NET Developers Book Cover
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Author: Dan Wahlin
ISBN: 0672320398
Price: $39.99 US
Pages: 496
Pub: Sams Publishing

Book Overview (from the cover)

With the release of .NET, Microsoft has developed a platform that provides robust end-to-end support for XML. In XML for ASP.NET Developers, Dan Wahlin focuses on the different ways XML can be leveraged in ASP.NET applications to make them more efficient, flexible, and maintainable. From detailed coverage of classes in the System.Xml assembly to XML support in ADO.NET, SQL Server 2000, and Web Services, this book shows you the different ways that XML can be used in your ASP.NET applications. The book is filled with thousands of lines of code samples that help you learn concepts easily and put them to use quickly.

About the Author

Dan Wahlin is President of Wahlin Consulting and founded the XML for ASP.NET Developers Web site (https://www.XMLforASP.NET), which focuses on using XML and Web services in Microsoft's .NET platform. He is also a corporate trainer and speaker and teaches XML and ASP.NET training courses around the United States. Dan coauthored Professional Windows DNA (Wrox) and ASP.NET Tips and Tricks (Sams). Reach Dan at [email protected].

Book Excerpts

© Copyright Pearson Education and Created: April 22, 2002
Revised: April 22, 2002

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