WebReference.com - Excerpts from Content Management Systems, from glasshaus | WebReference

WebReference.com - Excerpts from Content Management Systems, from glasshaus

Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems Book Cover
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Authors: Phil Suh
Dave Addey
David Thiemecke
James Ellis
ISBN: 190415106X
$29.99 US
Pages: 212
Pub: glasshaus

Book Overview (from the publisher)

Content Management Systems (CMS) automate the process of creating, publishing, and updating Web site content. They make maintaining and updating the content of a Web site easier, giving the content contributors, not just the Web team, the means with which to manage their own content. They are usually made up of a front-end editor for inputting content, a back-end system for storing the content, and a template mechanism to get the content onto the Web site.

This book will guide you through the process of arriving at a content management solution, including the background knowledge you need to know, how to go about getting a solution, implementing the solution, and migrating existing content to it.

Who is this book for?

This book is aimed at Web professionals whose input into the CMS acquisition process will depend on the structure of their organization. However, it is light on code, so makes excellent reading for anyone involved in the content management process, including authors, project managers, and decision makers.

Book excerpts

Created: August 22, 2002
Revised: August 22, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/languages/html/cmsystems/