Web / Authoring / Graphics / FAQs | WebReference

Web / Authoring / Graphics / FAQs

FAQ Pages

Color and GAMMA FAQs
Answers to FAQ about Gamma and Color in video, computer graphics, and print. By Charles Poynton.
Computer Graphics Animation FAQ
Originally from comp.graphics.animation, this HTML version is one of the many, many FAQs posted at https://www.faqs.org/faqs/graphics/. Information on computer animation for end-users, hobbyists, career animators, and programmers. By Francisco Dejesus.
Tips on using XML in Flash. By Luke Tupper.
Graphics Algorithms
From comp.graphics.algorithms; questions arising from discussions of the algorithms used in the process of generating computer graphics.
Graphics File Formats FAQ
Older, four part FAQ covers file formats, conversion/display programs, finding format specifications, and tips and tricks. By James Murray.
HTML Writer's Guild: Graphics FAQS
Basic Web-related graphics Q&A, from format to application specific questions.
Java 3D FAQ
Java 3D API Q&A from J3D.org. See also Sun's Official Java 3D API FAQ.
General JPEG questions, system-specific hints and program recommendations. By Tom Lane.
Primarily based on posts from the Yahoo SVG Developers group.
WWW Authoring
Now archived, the authoring section of Thomas Boutell's WWW FAQ contains basic information pertaining to the use of JPG and GIF images on Web pages (among other things).


faqs.org: Graphics
Treasure chest of mirrored graphics faqs from various newsgroups and sources; frequently retrieved and displayed in browser friendly HTML form.
Graphics FAQS
Listing of mirrored Graphics FAQS from the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences (ICS).
Graphics File Formats Page
Archived collection with links to format specifications for both 2d and 3d graphics as well as resources.
Graphics file formats and related FAQs listing, maintained by O'Reilly.

Comments are welcome

Revised: July 11, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/graphics/faqs.html