Web / Authoring / Graphics / FAQs
FAQ Pages
- Color and GAMMA FAQs
- Answers to FAQ about Gamma and Color in video, computer graphics, and print. By Charles Poynton.
- Computer Graphics Animation FAQ
- Originally from comp.graphics.animation, this HTML version is one of the many, many FAQs posted at https://www.faqs.org/faqs/graphics/. Information on computer animation for end-users, hobbyists, career animators, and programmers. By Francisco Dejesus.
- Flash XML FAQ
- Tips on using XML in Flash. By Luke Tupper.
- Graphics Algorithms
- From comp.graphics.algorithms; questions arising from discussions of the algorithms used in the process of generating computer graphics.
- Graphics File Formats FAQ
- Older, four part FAQ covers file formats, conversion/display programs, finding format specifications, and tips and tricks. By James Murray.
- HTML Writer's Guild: Graphics FAQS
- Basic Web-related graphics Q&A, from format to application specific questions.
- Java 3D FAQ
- Java 3D API Q&A from J3D.org. See also Sun's Official Java 3D API FAQ.
- General JPEG questions, system-specific hints and program recommendations. By Tom Lane.
- Primarily based on posts from the Yahoo SVG Developers group.
- WWW Authoring
- Now archived, the authoring section of Thomas Boutell's WWW FAQ contains basic information pertaining to the use of JPG and GIF images on Web pages (among other things).
- faqs.org: Graphics
- Treasure chest of mirrored graphics faqs from various newsgroups and sources; frequently retrieved and displayed in browser friendly HTML form.
- Graphics FAQS
- Listing of mirrored Graphics FAQS from the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences (ICS).
- Graphics File Formats Page
- Archived collection with links to format specifications for both 2d and 3d graphics as well as resources.
- Graphics file formats and related FAQs listing, maintained by O'Reilly.
Comments are welcome
Revised: July 11, 2002
URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/graphics/faqs.html