Web / Authoring / Graphics / Backgrounds | WebReference

Web / Authoring / Graphics / Backgrounds

When light and used in moderation, tasteful background graphics can add a touch of warmth and/or originality to an otherwise dull page or HTML table. Our collection of background and tile links will help you find just the right backdrop for your project without having to "reinvent the wheel" by massaging your own images.

Absolute Background Textures Archive
Over 4,000 (and growing) background tiles and borders for use in Web pages. Conveniently sorted by color and pattern. Individual downloads are free; the entire collection (including clip art, graphics, and fonts) can be downloaded en masse or ordered on CD for a one-time charge.
Ancient Rock Art Backgrounds
Rather unique collection of "Rock Art," i.e., rock carvings and drawings from ancient cultures. Return link required for use.
Backgrounds Archive
Provides background images searchable by themes, colors, and shades.
The Background Boutique
With image and design tiles and borders. Includes "double background" sets (pairs of light/dark backgrounds designed to complement one another). Return link required for use.
The Background Tile Sampler
JPEG and GIF tiles for use as wallpaper and background. Metal, wood, walls and floors; other categories available.
The background-image attribute
From the W3C. Description of the background-image attribute and its use as of CSS2. Note that the use of the background= attribute directly within HTML tags is either non-standard or deprecated HTML.
Background images designed specifically to be used as page borders. By The Humble Bee.
Julianne's Background Textures
Over 50 sets of background images separated by color. Includes a background "tour" feature, where your browser will automatically move to another background selection every 15 seconds or so.
Realm Graphics Backgrounds
Lots of background images here. Features TextureView, which will create a sample page with the texture of your choice so that you can get an idea of what it will look like. From Ender Design.
Texture Station
About 400 backgrounds categorized by hue for convenience.


Background collection links from Yahoo's directory.
Free Backgrounds
Large list of background image collection sites; split into tiled and animated backgrounds. From Google, a.k.a., the Open Directory. See also their free textures category.

Comments are welcome

Revised: September 12, 2002

URL: https://webreference.com/authoring/graphics/backgrounds.html