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what's newMay 12, 1998 15:30:30 EDT |
- 3D Animation Studio: Enter Cosmo Worlds - Part 1
- Cosmo is to VRML and the Web, as String Theory is to Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity; or so you would think by reading Robert
Polevoi's introduction to Silicon Graphic's Cosmo. Will it become the
fundament of our Web Universe? You decide. 980512
- Announcing News Harvester Phase 2: The
- Imagine your site with the same compelling headlines you've seen scrolling at the top of the home page. Fresh content, hot off the presses! Win user loyalty, keep them coming back for more.
Apply today! 980511
DHTML Diner: Dynamic Frames Resizing
- Today's special in our new DHTML Diner shows Explorer 4 users how to dynamically adjust the size of their frames. Today's special was inspired by a reader, keep those cards and letters coming folks. By Peter Belesis. 980511
- XSL: A Working Example
- XML provides content formatting, but XSL provides for content presentation. This article from our friends at the WDVL uses the Microsoft command line tool to provide working examples of some of the key elements of the initial XSL proposal, demonstrated with msxsl.exe. A reference section provides links to key XSL resources, as well as to other introductory articles. By Shelley Powers. 980511
- Perl 101
- If an infinite number of monkeys sat in front of an infinite number of
network computers they still probably would never write a Perl script,
unless of course they've read Scott Phillips' Perl 101 intro to the
Web's favorite scripting language. He makes it that easy. 980508
Announcing DHTML Diner!
- Visit our site's newest section for a quick script snack. In between columns nibble on our code snippets, short techniques, and answers to popular requests. Today's menu includes four delicious recipies for your DHTML delight. Peter's expanding the menu, so look for more mouth-watering morsels soon. Now, about that drive-through window... By Peter Belesis. 980508
- Software Review: ColorWorks:Web
- Before you say to yourself, "what, another graphics tool?" you ought to take a quick look at SPG ColorWorks:Web 3. This tool has many of the features of industry leading graphic software, and a lot of Web "extras" thrown in for good measure. From our friends at 980508
- HTML Collections
- Want to know where the best html information hubs are? Well look no further. You've found it! 980507
- Extra! AltaVista Announces Real Name System Alliance
- Imagine: you type in a familiar word or phrase, like a product, service, or slogan and click - you're there. It's the Web without the wwws and the .coms. Centraal made it happen, and AltaVista is glad they did. Our own Rich Wiggins gives you all the Buzz about this latest Web alliance. 980507
- Tangled Up in Scripts Part I: Sharing Data
- From our friends over at Internet World Daily. Two words. JavaScript. Frames. Go there or be square. 980507
- VRML Browsers
- I know you've been itching to surf the 3-dimensional realms out there. Well, pick one of the browsers off of our list and go for it. 980506
- Related Article: VRML--Now's the Time
- Is it for real? Has the shining promise of interactive 3-D environments on the World Wide Web materialized into a practical solution? Should web developers and 3-D artists be rushing to hone their VRML development skills in anticipation of major commercial demand for this technology? Find out here.
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