Internet / Search | 7 | WebReference

Internet / Search | 7

General Information Libraries

Electric Library
Anyone can perform serious research through this database of full text newspapers (150), full-text magazines (800), classic books (2000), hundreds of maps, thousands of photographs, book, movie and software reviews, as well as a complete encylcopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, almanac and more. Affiliate sites include and
Encyclopedia Brittanica (*)
The authoritative encyclopedia reference source, covering nearly every subject under the sun. Free access.
Internet Public Library
"The library of the Internet", this project by the University of Michigan contains quality Web sites that are carefully annotated. Also includes huge Online Texts Collection, featuring over 10,000 titles.
Library of Congress (*)
Online exhibitions, catalogs, research services and more. The "American Memory Project" has a huge on-line archive of sound, video, and photography from the Library's archives. Top-notch.
National Library of Canada
Electronic collection of this national library of formally published Canadian online books and journals.
On-line Books Page
10,000+ books available free on-line. Includes special features on Women writers, non-English texts, and Banned Books.
Project Gutenberg
Full texts of thousands of classic books available for free, with a goal of 10,000 full "Etexts" by 2001.
Project Muse
Subscription service from Johns Hopkins University Press, offering 40+ scholarly journals on-line. (*)
Reference information on every subject under the sun. Gateway page searches and organizes other information and reference sources from around the world.
USF Virtual Library
Large, comprehensive resource from the University of South Florida. Includes research information, on-line texts and journals, gateways to other libraries and much more.
The WWW Virtual Library
A distributed subject tree of what the maintainers consider to be the best indexes on topics ranging from Aboriginees to Zoos.

Topic-focused Libraries

Complex Systems Virtual Library
Focused on on complex systems topics: artificial life, cellular automata, chaos, criticality, evolutionary computation, fractals, parallel computation, self-organization.
Computer and Internet Books On-Line
Searchable database of computer and Internet related books which are freely available online.
Computing Virtual Library
Computing-related information and resources, from the W3's Virtual Library project.
Demography & Population Studies
World demography information, including links to many country/region-specific virtual libraries.
Engineering Virtual Library
Engineering articles and links. Part of the W3's Virtual Library project.
Harvard MCB BioLinks
Harvard's Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology offers this collection of Bio Science-related information.
Another branch of the W3 virtual library, with a focus on Mathematics-related resources.
Physiology & Biophysics
Another branch of the W3 virtual library, focused on Bio Science information.
Statistics information available on-line. Part of the W3 virtual library.

Comments are welcome

Revised: November 29, 1999