Photoshop 5.5 - Giordan on Graphics | 3 | WebReference

Photoshop 5.5 - Giordan on Graphics | 3

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There's Artsy Stuff Too...

Photoshop 5.5 lets you cut better masks with 2 new tools: the Magic Eraser and the Background Eraser.

The Magic Eraser works kind of like the Paint Bucket in that you click a pixel and adjoining pixels are erased based on a tolerance setting. The Background eraser lets you erase background areas by dragging the tool across an area. This action samples the range of pixels in the area and deletes them. Live Picture used to have a feature similar to this, and I can tell you it’s a godsend. There is also an Extract Image command that allows you to work with hard to mask areas, cleaning up edges for seamless image compositing.

The new Art History brush lets you brush a painterly effect into an image. In my opinion it’s easy enough to apply a filter and then selectively add it with the standard History Brush, but this just allows a variation with slightly different controls. The Art History brush lets you control the amount of effect with each brush stroke, determining whether the effect is a subtle or dramatic variation from the original.

This summary of new features is just that: an overview. There are dozens of actual feature changes within this revision and they promise to make image creation and Web development much easier. Some of you may remember my review of Photoshop 5.0, which we published in May of last year. Although the individual features do not appear as dramatic as the 5.0 rev, I think people will find Photoshop 5.5 will save them time and enhance their creative control even further.


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Created: June 28, 1999
Revised: June 28, 1999