Speeding Up Frame Rates For DHTML Animation in Win98 - DHTML Lab | WebReference

Speeding Up Frame Rates For DHTML Animation in Win98 - DHTML Lab


Speeding Up Frame Rates For DHTML Animation in Win98
A Case Study

This column can be appreciated by users of any browser, any version. The in-line examples will work only in Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4+.

How can our DHTML animations be smoother?

This is the question Morten Wang addressed so well in his article Smooth animation using DHTML: Can It Be Done?

Now, Mark Szlazak contributes to the on-going discussion with the results of extensive tests that he's performed, and a few improvement suggestions that I'm sure you'll find interesting.

Mark is a chiropractor with a full-time practice in Mountain View, CA. In between seeing patients and authoring papers, Mark has somehow found the time to help cure our DHTML pains, too.


So over to you, Mark.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: July 11, 2000
Revised: July 11, 2000

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column34/