DHTML Lab - dhtmlab.com - Hierarchical Menus Ver. 3 - Addendum VIII (v3.08) | WebReference

DHTML Lab - dhtmlab.com - Hierarchical Menus Ver. 3 - Addendum VIII (v3.08)


Hierarchical Menus Ver. 3 - Addendum VIII (v3.08)
adjustments for five minor issues

This column introduces a new version of the hierarchical menu script. All information is valid at the time of writing. New browser versions released after publication may not behave as outlined. The script is constantly under revision, with new features added, problems fixed and new browser versions addressed.
Read this column, and future columns, to learn how we built the menu script.
Use the most recent version of the script, always available in HierMenus Central.

This addendum addresses and fixes minor problems with the Hierarchical Menus Version 3 script, when executed in both browsers.
You must be familiar with the script to appreciate the discussion.

Welcome to the eighth, and hopefully the last, maintenance release of Hierarchical Menus, Version 3.
(I seem to keep saying that)

This release addresses five issues:

  1. The incorrect stacking order of the menu elements in relation to other page elements which have had a specific z-order assigned to them. That is, the menus may appear below other positioned elements in a page. This affects IE only.
    Thanks to Tony Brock for the heads-up on this one.

  2. Incorrect menu widths when a border is applied to menu elements. IE only.
    Thanks to Micah Freedman for bringing to my attention.

  3. Incorrect child menu positioning when a border is applied to menu elements. Both browsers.
    Thanks to me

  4. Better "more" image positioning within an item element.
    Many thanks to Trevor Cameron at A2O InterActive for suggesting this fix and the next one and for helping to test. Both browsers.

  5. More elegant text wrapping for multi-line items. Both browsers.

This is a maintenance version, so no major features or performance enhancements will be introduced. These have been reserved for version 4, a.k.a the Speed Demon, coming soon. (really, I mean it!)

For the impatient, and those who have ceased to believe anything I say, a beta release of version 4, without the speed enhancements, but with new features, has been posted on HierMenus Central, our mini-site devoted exclusively to the menu script.

Let's start with the z-index problem.

Produced by Peter Belesis and

All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.
Created: Aug 24, 1999
Revised: Aug 24, 1999

URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column21/addendum8/