dltypeof - Custom JS typeof operator - DHTML Lab | 4 | WebReference

dltypeof - Custom JS typeof operator - DHTML Lab | 4


JavaScript Programming: dltypeof() v1.0,
An Introduction

Script Download

dltypeof() can be downloaded in a zip file, or simply copied from the listing below.

Download:   dltypeof.zip

/* dltypeof.js
*  by Peter Belesis. v1.0 040823
*  Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved.
*  Originally published and documented at https://www.dhtmlab.com/
function dltypeof( vExpression )
    var sTypeOf = typeof vExpression;
    if( sTypeOf == "function" )
        var sFunction = vExpression.toString();
        if( ( /^\/.*\/$/ ).test( sFunction ) )
            return "regexp";
        else if( ( /^\[object.*\]$/i ).test( sFunction ) )
            sTypeOf = "object"
    if( sTypeOf != "object" )
        return sTypeOf;
    switch( vExpression )
        case null:
            return "null";
        case window:
            return "window";
        case window.event:
            return "event";
    if( window.event && ( event.type == vExpression.type ) )
        return "event";
    var fConstructor = vExpression.constructor;
    if( fConstructor != null )
        switch( fConstructor )
            case Array:
                sTypeOf = "array";
            case Date:
                return "date";
            case RegExp:
                return "regexp";
            case Object:
                sTypeOf = "jsobject";
            case ReferenceError:
                return "error";
                var sConstructor = fConstructor.toString();
                var aMatch = sConstructor.match( /\s*function (.*)\(/ );
                if( aMatch != null )
                    return aMatch[ 1 ];
    var nNodeType = vExpression.nodeType;
    if( nNodeType != null )
        switch( nNodeType )
            case 1:
                if( vExpression.item == null )
                    return "domelement";
            case 3:
                return "textnode";
    if( vExpression.toString != null )
        var sExpression = vExpression.toString();
        var aMatch = sExpression.match( /^\[object (.*)\]$/i );
        if( aMatch != null )
            var sMatch = aMatch[ 1 ];
            switch( sMatch.toLowerCase() )
                case "event":
                    return "event";
                case "math":
                    return "math";
                case "error":
                    return "error";
                case "mimetypearray":
                    return "mimetypecollection";
                case "pluginarray":
                    return "plugincollection";
                case "windowcollection":
                    return "window";
                case "nodelist":
                case "htmlcollection":
                case "elementarray":
                    return "domcollection";
    if( vExpression.moveToBookmark && vExpression.moveToElementText )
        return "textrange";
    else if( vExpression.callee != null )
        return "arguments";
    else if( vExpression.item != null )
        return "domcollection";
    return sTypeOf;
// end

Send a comment or suggestion to Peter Belesis

Created: August 23, 2004
Revised: August 23, 2004

URL: https://webreference.com/dhtml/column68/4.html