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Dynamic Headline Fader, Version 2.01
accounting for dynamic style support in IE4mac
The Problem
An error message, similar to the one below, may appear when loading a page that contains the fader:
or, IE4mac may hang. (Ouch!)
or, IE4mac may crash. (Double Ouch!)
or, IE4mac may work fine.
In this case, the problems originate with these statements:
if (!document.styleSheets.length) document.createStyleSheet(); with (document.styleSheets(document.styleSheets.length-1)) { addRule("A.newslink","text-decoration:" +lnkDec+";color:"+ lnkCol); addRule("A.newslink:hover","color:"+ hovCol); }
In Column 25, we described the above statements in the following way:
...we need to create one class, newslink, for the links. We first check to see if there are any stylesheets in the page. If none exist, we create one. This stylesheet-creation-on-the-fly has been discussed in DHTML Diner:
if (!document.styleSheets.length) document.createStyleSheet();We can then add two style rules to the last stylesheet in the page, to define the newslink class:
with (document.styleSheets(document.styleSheets.length-1)) { addRule("A.newslink","text-decoration:" + lnkDec + ";color:" + lnkCol); addRule("A.newslink:hover","color:" + hovCol); }
Problem Breakdown
The document.createStyleSheet() method is not supported in IE for Macintosh. If it is called:
in IE4mac 4.01, it returns null, instead of the newly created stylesheet object. This is good behavior, as we can check the return value and conditionally execute IE4mac-specific statements. But...
in the more recent IE4mac 4.5 (new and improved) it hangs (some non-English versions) or crashes the browser (English and some non-English versions).
If we do have an existing stylesheet, then the above problem does not occur, and IE4mac continues execution. It correctly identifies the last stylesheet in the page,
(document.styleSheets(document.styleSheets.length-1)) and moves on to apply the stylesheet's addRule() method, but......only if the stylesheet-in-question was created with the <STYLE> tag. Stylesheets created with the <LINK> tag, for example:
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="mystsheet.css" TYPE="text/css">
are recognized, but have no addRule() method. A cryptic error message, like the one above, is displayed instead.
Isn't cross-platform DHTML fun?
The Solution
We won't bother accounting for the 4.01 vs 4.5 behavior or the <LINK> vs <STYLE> behavior.
Our problem can be simply solved by:
Always creating a new stylesheet for IE4mac using the <STYLE> tag, whether one is needed or not. This is accomplished inelegantly, but efficiently, by writing a <STYLE> tag into the document.
So, since we need to identify the browser platform, we create a new variable, IE4mac, which we include at the beginning of fader.js:
IE4mac = (IE4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1);
And, we change this statement:
if (!document.styleSheets.length) document.createStyleSheet();
To read:
if(IE4mac) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeBegin","<STYLE></STYLE>"); } else { if (!document.styleSheets.length) document.createStyleSheet(); }
There is still one more, minor fix for IE4mac.
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Sep 21, 1999
Revised: Sep 21, 1999
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column25/addendum1/fdr201iemac2.html