DHTML Lab: Hierarchical Menus, III; Frames - The Complete Code 3/3
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Hierarchical Menus in Frames
SPECIAL EDITION; the director's cut 3/3
The Hierarchical Menu for Frames Routines (hierFrames.js)
This file, along with the external array file, may be download in ZIP format
Code highlighted in bold purple is new to the frameset adaptation of the script.
/*hierFrames.js (Cross-browser/Frames) * By Peter Belesis. v1.0 980408 * Copyright (c) 2001 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved. * Originally published and documented at https://www.dhtmlab.com/ * Available solely from INT Media Group. Incorporated under exclusive license. * Contact [email protected] for more information. */ if (NS4) parent.onload = startIt; if (IE4) parent.document.body.onload = startIt; if (perCentOver != null) { childOverlap = (perCentOver/100) * menuWidth } mSecsVis = secondsVisible*1000; imgStr = "<IMG SRC=" + imgSrc + " WIDTH=" + imgSiz + " HEIGHT=" + imgSiz +" BORDER=0 VSPACE=2 ALIGN=RIGHT>" function initVars() { topCount = 1; areCreated = false; isOverMenu = false; currentMenu = null; allTimer = null; } initVars(); function startIt() { main = parent.frames.main; if (NS4) main.onunload = initVars; if (IE4) main.document.body.onunload = initVars; if (NS4) makeClass(); makeTop(); } function makeClass() { styLayer = new Layer(400); styleStr = "<STYLE TYPE='text/javascript'>" + "with (parent.frames.main.document.classes.items.SPAN) {" + "width=\"" + menuWidth + "\";" + "color=\""+ fntCol + "\";" + "fontSize=\""+ fntSiz + "\";" + "fontWeight=\""+ fntWgh + "\";" + "fontStyle=\""+ fntSty + "\";" + "fontFamily=\""+ fntFam + "\";" + "borderWidth=\"" + borWid + "\";" + "borderColor=\"" + borCol + "\";" + "borderStyle=\"" + borSty + "\";" + "lineHeight=\"" + linHgt + "\";" + "}" + "</STYLE>"; styLayer.document.write(styleStr); styLayer.document.close(); } function menuSetup(hasParent,lastItem,openCont,openItem) { this.menuOver = menuOver; this.menuOut = menuOut; this.onmouseover = this.menuOver; this.onmouseout = this.menuOut; this.showIt = showIt; this.keepInWindow = keepInWindow; this.hideTree = hideTree this.hideParents = hideParents; this.hideChildren = hideChildren; this.hideTop = hideTop; this.hasChildVisible = false; this.isOn = false; this.hideTimer = null; if (hasParent) { this.hasParent = true; this.parentMenu = openCont; this.parentItem = openItem; this.parentItem.child = this; } else { this.hasParent = false; this.hideSelf = hideSelf; } if (NS4) { this.fullHeight = lastItem.top + lastItem.document.height; this.clip.bottom = this.fullHeight; } else { this.fullHeight = lastItem.style.pixelTop + lastItem.offsetHeight; this.showIt(false); this.onselectstart = cancelSelect; this.moveTo = moveTo; this.moveTo(0,0); } } function itemSetup(arrayPointer,whichArray) { this.itemOver = itemOver; this.itemOut = itemOut; this.onmouseover = this.itemOver; this.onmouseout = this.itemOut; this.dispText = whichArray[arrayPointer]; this.linkText = whichArray[arrayPointer + 1]; this.hasMore = whichArray[arrayPointer + 2]; if (this.linkText.length > 0) { this.linkIt = linkIt; if (NS4) { this.onfocus = this.linkIt; } else { this.onclick = this.linkIt; this.style.cursor = "hand"; } } if (this.hasMore) { htmStr = imgStr + this.dispText; } else { htmStr = this.dispText; } if (NS4) { layStr = "<SPAN CLASS=items>" + htmStr+ "</SPAN>"; this.document.write(layStr); this.document.close(); this.bgColor = backCol; this.clip.right = menuWidth; this.visibility = "inherit"; this.container = this.parentLayer; if (arrayPointer == 0) { this.top = 0; } else { this.top = this.prevItem.top + this.prevItem.document.height - borWid; } this.left = 0; } else { with (this.style) { padding = 3; width = menuWidth; color = fntCol; fontSize = fntSiz fontWeight = fntWgh; fontStyle = fntSty; fontFamily = fntFam; borderWidth = borWid; borderColor = borCol; borderStyle = borSty; backgroundColor = backCol; lineHeight = linHgt; } this.innerHTML = htmStr; this.container = this.offsetParent; if (arrayPointer == 0) { this.style.pixelTop = 0; } else { this.style.pixelTop = this.prevItem.style.pixelTop + this.prevItem.offsetHeight - borWid; } this.style.pixelLeft = 0; } } function makeElement(whichEl,whichContainer) { if (arguments.length==1) whichContainer = (NS4) ? main : main.document.body; if (NS4) { eval(whichEl + "= new Layer(menuWidth,whichContainer)"); } else { elStr = "<DIV ID=" + whichEl + " STYLE='position:absolute'></DIV>"; whichContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",elStr); eval(whichEl + "= main." + whichEl); } return eval(whichEl); } function makeTop() { while(eval("window.arMenu" + topCount)) { topArray = eval("arMenu" + topCount); topName = "elMenu" + topCount; topMenu = makeElement(topName); topMenu.setup = menuSetup; topItemCount = 0; for (i=0; i<topArray.length; i+=3) { topItemCount++; status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + topCount + " / " + topItemCount; topItemName = "item" + topCount + "_" + topItemCount; topItem = makeElement(topItemName,topMenu); if (topItemCount >1) topItem.prevItem = eval("item" + topCount + "_" + (topItemCount-1)); topItem.setup = itemSetup; topItem.setup(i,topArray); if (topItem.hasMore) makeSecond(); } topMenu.setup(false,topItem); topCount++ } status = (topCount-1) + " Heirarchical Menu Trees Created" areCreated = true; } function makeSecond() { secondCount = topCount + "_" + topItemCount; secondArray = eval("arMenu" + secondCount); secondName = "elChild" + secondCount; secondMenu = makeElement(secondName); secondMenu.setup = menuSetup; secondItemCount=0; for (j=0; j<secondArray.length; j+=3) { secondItemCount++; secondItemName = "item" + secondCount +"_" + secondItemCount; secondItem = makeElement(secondItemName,secondMenu) if (secondItemCount >1) secondItem.prevItem = eval("item" + secondCount + "_" + (secondItemCount-1)); secondItem.setup = itemSetup; secondItem.setup(j,secondArray); if (secondItem.hasMore) makeThird(); } secondMenu.setup(true,secondItem,topMenu,topItem); } function makeThird() { thirdCounter = secondCount + "_" + secondItemCount thirdArray = eval("arMenu" + thirdCounter); thirdName = "elGrandChild" + thirdCounter; thirdMenu = makeElement(thirdName) thirdMenu.setup = menuSetup; thirdItemCount=0; for (k=0; k<thirdArray.length; k+=3) { thirdItemCount++; thirdItemName = "item" + thirdCounter + "_" + thirdItemCount; thirdItem = makeElement(thirdItemName,thirdMenu); if (thirdItemCount >1) thirdItem.prevItem = eval("item" + thirdCounter + "_" +(thirdItemCount-1)); thirdItem.setup = itemSetup; thirdItem.setup(k,thirdArray); } thirdMenu.setup(true,thirdItem,secondMenu,secondItem); } function keepInWindow() { scrBars = 20; if (NS4) { winRight = (main.pageXOffset + main.innerWidth) - scrBars; rightPos = this.left + menuWidth; if (rightPos > winRight) { if (this.hasParent) { parentLeft = this.parentMenu.left; newLeft = ((parentLeft-menuWidth) + childOverlap); this.left = newLeft; } else { dif = rightPos - winRight; this.left -= dif; } } winBot = (main.pageYOffset + main.innerHeight) - scrBars; botPos = this.top + this.fullHeight; if (botPos > winBot) { dif = botPos - winBot; this.top -= dif; } } else { winRight = (main.document.body.scrollLeft + main.document.body.clientWidth) - scrBars; rightPos = this.style.pixelLeft + menuWidth; if (rightPos > winRight) { if (this.hasParent) { parentLeft = this.parentMenu.style.pixelLeft; newLeft = ((parentLeft - menuWidth) + childOverlap); this.style.pixelLeft = newLeft; } else { dif = rightPos - winRight; this.style.pixelLeft -= dif; } } winBot = (main.document.body.scrollTop + main.document.body.clientHeight) - scrBars; botPos = this.style.pixelTop + this.fullHeight; if (botPos > winBot) { dif = botPos - winBot; this.style.pixelTop -= dif; } } } function popUp(menuName,e){ if (!areCreated) return; hideAll(); currentMenu = eval(menuName); if (isLeftNav) { xPos = (NS4) ? main.pageXOffset : main.document.body.scrollLeft; yPos = (NS4) ? (e.pageY-pageYOffset)+main.pageYOffset : event.clientY + main.document.body.scrollTop; } else { xPos = (NS4) ? (e.pageX-pageXOffset)+main.pageXOffset : event.clientX + main.document.body.scrollLeft; yPos = (NS4) ? main.pageYOffset : main.document.body.scrollTop; } currentMenu.moveTo(xPos,yPos); currentMenu.keepInWindow() currentMenu.isOn = true; currentMenu.showIt(true); } function popDown(menuName){ if (!areCreated) return; whichEl = eval(menuName); whichEl.isOn = false; whichEl.hideTop(); } function menuOver() { this.isOn = true; isOverMenu = true; currentMenu = this; if (this.hideTimer) clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); } function menuOut() { if (IE4) theEvent = main.event; if (IE4 && theEvent.srcElement.contains(theEvent.toElement)) return; this.isOn = false; isOverMenu = false; if (IE4) allTimer = setTimeout("currentMenu.hideTree()",10); } function itemOver(){ if (IE4) theEvent = main.event; if (IE4 && theEvent.srcElement.tagName == "IMG") return; if (NS4) { this.bgColor = overCol; } else { this.style.backgroundColor = overCol; this.style.color = overFnt; } if (this.container.hasChildVisible) { this.container.hideChildren(this); } if(this.hasMore) { if (NS4) { this.childX = this.container.left + (menuWidth - childOverlap); this.childY = this.pageY + childOffset; } else { this.childX = this.container.style.pixelLeft + (menuWidth - childOverlap); this.childY = this.style.pixelTop + this.container.style.pixelTop + childOffset; } this.child.moveTo(this.childX,this.childY); this.child.keepInWindow(); this.container.hasChildVisible = true; this.container.visibleChild = this.child; this.child.showIt(true); } } function itemOut() { if (IE4) theEvent = main.event; if (IE4 && (theEvent.srcElement.contains(theEvent.toElement) || (theEvent.fromElement.tagName=="IMG" && theEvent.toElement.contains(theEvent.fromElement)))) return; if (NS4) { this.bgColor = backCol; if (!isOverMenu) { allTimer = setTimeout("currentMenu.hideTree()",10); } } else { this.style.backgroundColor = backCol; this.style.color = fntCol; } } function hideAll() { for(i=1; i<topCount; i++) { temp = eval("elMenu" + i); temp.isOn = false; if (temp.hasChildVisible) temp.hideChildren(); temp.showIt(false); } } function hideTree() { allTimer = null; if (isOverMenu) return; if (this.hasChildVisible) { this.hideChildren(); } this.hideParents(); } function hideChildren(item) { if (this.visibleChild.hasChildVisible) { this.visibleChild.visibleChild.showIt(false); this.visibleChild.hasChildVisible = false; } if (!this.isOn || !item.hasMore || this.visibleChild != this.child) { this.visibleChild.showIt(false); this.hasChildVisible = false; } } function hideParents() { if (this.hasParent) { this.showIt(false); if (this.parentMenu.hasParent) { this.parentMenu.isOn = false; this.parentMenu.showIt(false); this.parentMenu.parentMenu.isOn = false; whichEl = this.parentMenu.parentMenu } else { this.parentMenu.isOn = false; whichEl = this.parentMenu; } } else { whichEl = this; } whichEl.hideTop(); } function hideTop() { whichEl = this; this.hideTimer = setTimeout("whichEl.hideSelf()",mSecsVis); } function hideSelf() { this.hideTimer = null; if (!this.isOn && !isOverMenu) { this.showIt(false); } } function linkIt() { main.location.href = this.linkText; } function showIt(on) { if (NS4) {this.visibility = (on) ? "show" : "hide"} else {this.style.visibility = (on) ? "visible" : "hidden"} } function moveTo(xPos,yPos) { this.style.pixelLeft = xPos; this.style.pixelTop = yPos; } function cancelSelect(){return false}
Produced by Peter Belesis and
All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.Created: Apr. 08, 1998
Revised: Apr. 08, 1998
URL: https://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column18/allCode3.html