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 What's New: Aug 29, 2000 - RSS
JavaScript Tip of the Day: Coloring Scrollbars - Similar Tips
Now that you know how to color the scrollbar arrows, you probably want to color the whole scrollbar. Learn how to modify it on the fly.

HTML with Style: Fixing Frames with Fixed Positioning
Fed up with frames? There's got to be a better way. Our own Prince of Positioning shows how to use CSS2 to emulates frames and gracefully degrade. By Stephanos Piperoglou. 0829

Doc JavaScript: Introduction to HTML+TIME
What time is it kids? It's Doc JavaScript time! The Doc clocks in with an intro to HTML+TIME, the Timed Interactive Multimedia Extension to IE 5.5. Learn to add and synchronize images, video, sounds and text elements along a timeline in your HTML pages. By Dr. Yehuda and Tomer Shiran. 0829

Production Graphics: Photoshop 6 Review
Our own "Queen Practical" shows what Photoshop 6 means for your Web work. If you care about how fast you can get your work done, you'll love Photoshop 6. By Wendy Peck. 0828

Review: ImageReady 3
Adobe's announcing Photoshop 6 today, and we got a sneak peek at ImageReady 3, bundled with Photoshop 6. ImageReady 3's unique new "weighted optimization" feature allows regional compression of your images using alpha channels for superior compression. By Andy King. 0828

Fill the Need for Speed with Content Delivery Services
With Internet use growing as fast as it is, any slow-downs on your site can cost you customers. Is a Content Delivery Service the key to making your site faster and more reliable? Open publishing author Jon Zeeff of SolidSpeed Networks gives us an overview of CDS from an insider's perspective. 0825

HTML Tutorials
Every journey starts with a single step, and every Web page starts with a single tag. If you're ready to start making your own Web pages, our list of HTML tutorials will guide the way. 0824

Usability Links
If your users can't use your site, they'll be happy to use someone else's. Keeping your usability up is professional, polite and makes good business sense to boot. Maximize your site's potential with our list of resources. 0823

DHTML Lab: Hierarchical Menus FAQ Update
Peter answers your burning menu questions, including speeding up IE, platform-specific parameters, and the effect of the DOCTYPE tag. By Peter Belesis. 0822

Production Graphics: Photoshop Layers - Freedom Tools
Break the chains of flat documents that are binding your creativity. Release yourself from the oppression of unalterable design decisions. Learn to use Photoshop layers today and a new world of artistic options will unfold before you. By Wendy Peck. 0821

Xploring XML: Inside XSL-T
XML may be all the buzz, but a lot of the heavy lifting is actually done with XSL. Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation sounds like a mouthful, but XSLT is your key to converting XML documents into display languages like HTML. By Michael Classen. 0818

Eat a Web Site for Breakfast
Your site's design tells visitors more than you think about your company. Are you using the right colors? Are you giving away the right amount of information? Open publishing author Linda Goin serves up a full plate of advice on Web design - great with a cup of coffee. 0818

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 Elsewhere on internet.com

Not Your Average Table Tutorial
Eh! So you've come to learn about Tables? Tables are one of the most frequently used layout design tools available in HTML. 0828

What's New in PHP4?
After being in beta since May, PHP4 is finally ready. Take a quick look at PHP4's new features, and learn why the language's authors decided to completely rewrite it from the ground up. 0823

Diary of a Web Developer: Dreamweaver 3
Developer/author Edward Tanguay learns Dreamweaver and is mightily impressed, both by its power and its customizable features. 0823

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