// Popup Box for search box /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! https://www.javascriptsource.com/*/ // Copyright (C) 2005 Ilya S. Lyubinskiy. All rights reserved. // Technical support: https://www.php-development.ru/ // https://www.php-development.ru/javascripts/dropdown.php // // YOU MAY NOT // (1) Remove or modify this copyright notice. // (2) Distribute this code, any part or any modified version of it. // Instead, you can link to the homepage of this code: // https://www.php-development.ru/javascripts/dropdown.php. // // YOU MAY // (1) Use this code on your website. // (2) Use this code as a part of another product provided that // its main use is not creating javascript menus. // // NO WARRANTY // This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either // expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties // of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly // acknowledge and agree that use of this code is at your own risk. // ***** Popup Control ********************************************************* function at_display(x) { var win = window.open(); for (var i in x) win.document.write(i+' = '+x[i]+'
'); } // ***** Show Aux ***** function at_show_aux(parent, child) { var p = document.getElementById(parent); var c = document.getElementById(child ); var top = (c["at_position"] == "y") ? p.offsetHeight+2 : 0; var left = (c["at_position"] == "x") ? p.offsetWidth -250 : 0; for (; p; p = p.offsetParent) { top += p.offsetTop; left += p.offsetLeft; } c.style.position = "absolute"; c.style.top = top +'px'; c.style.left = left+'px'; c.style.visibility = "visible"; } // ***** Show ***** function at_show() { var p = document.getElementById(this["at_parent"]); var c = document.getElementById(this["at_child" ]); at_show_aux(p.id, c.id); clearTimeout(c["at_timeout"]); } // ***** Hide ***** function at_hide() { var c = document.getElementById(this["at_child"]); c["at_timeout"] = setTimeout("document.getElementById('"+c.id+"').style.visibility = 'hidden'", 333); } // ***** Click ***** function at_click() { var p = document.getElementById(this["at_parent"]); var c = document.getElementById(this["at_child" ]); if (c.style.visibility != "visible") at_show_aux(p.id, c.id); else c.style.visibility = "hidden"; return false; } // ***** Attach ***** // PARAMETERS: // parent - id of visible html element // child - id of invisible html element that will be dropdowned // showtype - "click" = you should click the parent to show/hide the child // "hover" = you should place the mouse over the parent to show // the child // position - "x" = the child is displayed to the right of the parent // "y" = the child is displayed below the parent // cursor - Omit to use default cursor or check any CSS manual for possible // values of this field function at_attach(parent, child, showtype, position, cursor) { var p = document.getElementById(parent); var c = document.getElementById(child); if(!p){ return; } p["at_parent"] = p.id; p["at_child"] = c.id; p["at_position"] = position; c["at_parent"] = p.id; c["at_child"] = c.id; c["at_position"] = position; c.style.position = "absolute"; c.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (cursor != undefined) p.style.cursor = cursor; switch (showtype) { case "click": p.onclick = at_click; p.onmouseout = at_hide; c.onmouseover = at_show; c.onmouseout = at_hide; break; case "hover": p.onmouseover = at_show; p.onmouseout = at_hide; c.onmouseover = at_show; c.onmouseout = at_hide; break; } } // Multiple onload function created by: Simon Willison // https://simonwillison.net/2004/May/26/addLoadEvent/ function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoadEvent(function() { at_attach("src_parent", "src_child", "hover", "x", "pointer"); setH(); }); // =========================================== // ============================================== function openDescription(ID) { var url = "https://www.ppcforhosts.com/public/util/description.cfm?id=" + ID; link = window.open(url,"newWin","directories=0,height=250,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0,width=450"); } // =============================================== // Breadcrumb script /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! https://www.javascriptsource.com/ Created by: Justin Whitford | https://www.whitford.id.au/ */ function breadcrumbs() { sURL = new String; bits = new Object; var x = 0; var stop = 0; var output = "
home  |  "; sURL = location.href; sURL = sURL.slice(8,sURL.length); chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/"); sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length) while(!stop){ chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/"); if (chunkStart != -1){ bits[x] = sURL.slice(0,chunkStart) sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length); } else { stop = 1; } x++; } for(var i in bits){ output += "" + bits[i] + "  |  "; } document.write(output + document.title); document.write("
"); } // ======================================================= /* addLoadEvent(function() { var myColumns = new NonFauxColumns(); myColumns.addBox(document.getElementById("content")); myColumns.addBox(document.getElementById("leftnav")); myColumns.equalizeHeights(); }); */ function setH() { var maxH = Math.max(document.getElementById('leftnav').offsetHeight,document.getElementById('content').offsetHeight); document.getElementById('leftnav').style.height=maxH+'px'; document.getElementById('content').style.height=maxH+'px'; } // ======================================================= // To hide e-mail address // Usage: function safemail(name, domain, display) { displayed=(typeof(display)=="undefined") ? name+"@"+domain : display document.write('' + displayed + ''); } // ======================================================= function popUp(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=500');"); } // =======================================================